Assembly of First Nations (AFN) Regional Chief Cindy Woodhouse issued  the below statement today in response to calls from provincial MLP Nahanni  Fontaine for a public apology and removal of a Winnipeg Catholic priest following  a recent comments suggesting many residential school survivors had positive  experiences in residential schools and that some have fabricated stories to receive  compensation. 

“I stand with residential school survivors and families in Winnipeg and across Manitoba  region in seeking justice and healing for the genocide against our people through the  residential school system,” said AFN Regional Chief Cindy Woodhouse. “The  comments made by Catholic priest Rhéal Forest are inexcusable and a stark reminder of how far we still need to go on our path to reconciliation. First Nations have shown great  courage and strength in sharing their stories and truths. That should be commended,  not questioned. There is no place in this country for continued  

discrimination, racism and denial. I support the calls for a public apology and  for Rhéal Forest to lose his priesthood.” 

It has been reported that statements by Rhéal Forest were made over a series of  services on and around July 10, 2021 at St. Emile Roman Catholic Church in Winnipeg  and were included in videos on the church’s Facebook page, now removed. Forest has  been banned by a Manitoba archdiocese and Archbishop Albert LeGatt from preaching  or teaching publicly.